A la veille d’élections présidentielles, notre grand allié, Saakashvili, ce "beacon of democracy" comme le nomma Busch, se retrouve impliqué dans un scandale qui secoue la Géorgie. Le ministre de l'Intérieur, Akhalaia, grand allié de Saakashvili, a démissionné ; le pays est en proie à des protestations furieuses contre Saakashvili, ce représentant exemplaire de la démokratie, tout comme le sont nos autres grands alliés saoudiens et qataris etc...
Il parait qu'on peut juger quelqu'un à ceux dont il s'entoure.
L'assistant du chef de la prison principale de Tbilissi (4.000 prisonniers), Vladimir Bedukadze, a quitté secrètement le pays après avoir remis sa démission. Il est en Belgique depuis le mois de Juillet où il a demandé l'asile politique pour lui et sa famille, restée, elle, en Géorgie par manque d'argent. Jusque là rien de particulièrement extraordinaire. Le problème est que l'individu en question a emporté avec lui 2 heures de vidéos filmées par lui sur ordre de l'ex-ministre de l'intérieur Akhalaia, allié politique de Saakashvili. Ces vidéos sont un concentré des tortures infligées aux prisonniers politiques où autres sur ordre du ministre et du président, notre allié démokrate exemplaire. Selon Vladimir Bedukadze, ces vidéos étaient destinées à divertir le président.
La charge présidentielle étant probablement trop lourde pour ses nerfs, le meilleur moyen serait qu'il démissionnât mais il ne semble pas que cela soit à l'ordre du jour.
V.B.: I made those videos on the instruction of the chief warden, and then the chief warden showed these videos to Minister Akhalaia. I made those videos over the period of a year, or maybe six months, I’m not sure. I didn’t make them in a day or two. They were accumulated over a period of time, and eventually I had two hours of video. Minister Akhalaia was in charge of all correctional facilities. Then Saakashvili made him Deputy Defense Minister. Then he became Defense Minister, and then, Minister of Internal Affairs. Throughout this time, Akhalaia remained in charge of Georgia’s prison system.
RT: How do you know the chief warden showed those videos to Akhalaia?
V.B.: I just did what I was told to do. I made those videos for him, and then he would take the tape, and I don’t know what he would do with it. But Akhalaia would often come to the Gdlani prison, perhaps once or twice a week. He used to spend a lot of time talking to the chief warden in his office. Akhalaia was a very close ally of President Saakashvili, whom President Bush called a “beacon of democracy.” He was fully aware of what was going on in the prisons. This is why I insist that Saakashvili should resign. In a democratic country, it wouldn’t be the Minister of Interior Affairs or Defense Minister stepping down; the President would resign. President Saakashvili must step down if he is a democrat. But he’s no democrat. He keeps the entire nation in chaos and fear. He relies on criminals. He has people with blood on their hands working in high positions in the government.
RT: Was Saakashvili aware of what was going on?
V.B.: Of course he knew. Saakashvili was fully aware of what was going on. When Akhalaia was appointed minister in 2005, the system was very far from European standards. Then Saakashvili appointed Akhalaia minister, and Akhalaia started taking very tough steps. He would send security forces into prisons. They would break into prisons and beat up inmates. Even Akhalaia himself would often be there with a camera, filming everything. And then, I think, he would show those videos to Saakashvili in order to show him what kind of system he had built. European MPs would visit the Gdlani prison, and they were impressed. They would say, “How did you manage to build such a system? You have 4,000 inmates there, and this place is so quiet, we haven’t heard as much as somebody speaking loudly. It’s almost as if there were no inmates there at all.
RT: Who gave you the order to make those videos? And who among the high-ranking officials knew about what was going on?
Nobody – just the chief warden and I. I was deputy chief warden. He
wanted me to film some interesting moments: for example, when police
arrest an opposition activist, or a prominent figure, is arrested, he
wanted it on tape. Probably, they intended to use those videos later
against those people. The chief warden would take those videos to
Akhalaia, and Akhalaia would take them to the President. They used it
for entertainment. They enjoyed watching how helpless people were in
their hands. Once they take you to prison, you are nobody. You have no
dignity. This is why these videos caused such an outrage in Georgia.
This is why all those young people are protesting.
RT: How did they pick inmates for torture?
They just did it for entertainment, or, if an inmate had something to
do with politics, if he was Saakashvili’s enemy, they would pick him.
The system is extremely politicized. If you work in.
(Sources : www.rt.com - 20 Septembre 2012)
En revanche il ne fait aucun doute que notre allié tortureur en chef est un grand amateur de cinéma, raison pour laquelle il demandait que l'on filmât pour son plaisir les moments les plus intéressants des séances de torture ordonnées par lui via son complice Akhalaia.
Ne doutons pas un instant, chers lecteurs, que cet amour du septième art a permis à Saakashvili de bénéficier d'une grande compréhension de la part de notre presstitute et de nos zintellectuels auto-proclamés qui sont d'habitude si prompts à voler au secours des opprimés, des orphelins et des "droitsdelhomme, de la femme et des frigidaires" malmenés à travers le monde. C'est probablement pour cette raison qu'on ne les a pas entendu miauler à la mort à propos de cette affaire.
N'en doutons pas, chers lecteurs, Saakashvili est un véritable artiste aux yeux de nos cervelas en chef germano-pratins.
Il faut lui pardonner.
Il sait très bien ce qu'il fait.
Pour l'amour de l'aaaaaart, surtout du 7ème (à ne pas confondre avec l'arrondissement de Paris où habite BHL).
Mais pour le moment tout va bien à cochon sur Terre, le meilleur des mondes.
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