Depuis quelques semaines, la propagande occidentale à propos des événements de Syrie a atteint un sommet rarement vu dans l’histoire de la désinformation. Et ce d’autant plus lorsqu’on se vante d’encourager la liberté de la presse où des médias, et que l’on donne des leçons au monde entier. La censure volontaire de nos médias de désinformation est proprement stupéfiante, et nous ne parlons pas uniquement de la Syrie.
Georges Orwell et son livre «1984» sont battus à plate couture ; Orwell n’a pas eu assez d’imagination, apparemment. Mais, à mettre à son crédit, il aurait fallu posséder un esprit bien malade et sacrément vicieux pour pouvoir imaginer ce qu se produit en ce moment même dans notre monde idyllique de Cochon sur Terre, ce terreau de démokratie et de liberté, d’amour fraternel pour le genre humain sans parler de notre liberté d’expression si remarquable. Bref, c’était proprement inimaginable pour des hommes à peu près normalement constitués et vivant dans un monde dans lequel il restait encore quelques esprits sinon libres au moins capables de plus d’indépendance que la moyenne.
Depuis quelques semaines qu’avons-nous pas entendu à propos de la Syrie !
- Le régime s’apprêtait à utiliser ses armes chimiques contre les terroristes, voire sa propre population...
- La Turquie demande de l’aide à l’OTAN sous forme de missiles Patriots pour parer à toute attaque de la Syrie (!)
- La Syrie aurait utilisé des scuds contre les terroristes (!)
- Le régime syrien serait à l’agonie sous l’assaut victorieux des terroristes sur le point de prendre Damas...
- Les russes seraient en train de lâcher le régime syrien selon une déclaration tronquée par les médias occidentaux du vice-ministre russe des affaires étrangères Bogdanov.
etc, etc, etc...
- En revanche, les médias « libres » d’Occident n’ont pas parlé de cette vidéos effroyable publiée par nos alliés terroristes montrant une scène de décapitation d’un prisonnier par des enfants suivant les instructions d’un terroriste. Ils sont déjà à l’école...
The film begins by showing two middle-aged men handcuffed together sitting on a settee in a house, surrounded by their captors who sometimes slap and beat them. They are taken outside into the street. A man in a black shirt is manhandled and kicked into lying down with his head on a concrete block. A boy, who looks to be about 11 or 12 years old, cuts at his neck with a machete, but does not quite sever it. Later a man finishes the job and cuts the head off. The second man in a blue shirt is also forced to lie with his head on a block and is beheaded. The heads are brandished in front of the camera and later laid on top of the bodies. The boy smiles as he poses with a rifle beside a headless corpse.
(Sources : The Independant - Patrick Cockburn - 16.12.2012)
- De même encore, qui a parlé du massacre d’Aqrab où 200 à 250 alawouites furent exécutés par nos alliés barbus ? A notre connaissance, peu de monde, à l’exception d’Alex Thompson dont nous avons publié et traduit le reportage (ici) qu’il a effectué sur place.
- De même, nos médias « libres » d’Occident n’ont pas beaucoup parlé de la défaite très couteuse des terroristes à Damas, et encore moins de la possibilité d’un piège tendu par l’armée syrienne à nos alliés barbus.
Et pourtant ...
Eh bien, parlons-en !
La bataille de Damas est bel et bien perdue par les terroristes, et elle leur a couté très cher. Voici le témoignage de l’excellent, et hautement fiable, reporter de guerre Patrick Cockburn à propos de la situation qu’il a vu de ses yeux en Syrie ces jours derniers :
The picture of Syria most common believed abroad is of the rebels closing in on the capital as the Assad government faces defeat in weeks or, at most, a few months. The Secretary General of Nato, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said last week that the regime is "approaching collapse". The foreign media consensus is that the rebels are making sweeping gains on all fronts and the end may be nigh. But when one reaches Damascus, it is to discover that the best informed Syrians and foreign diplomats say, on the contrary, that the most recent rebel attacks in the capital had been thrown back by a government counteroffensive. They say that the rebel territorial advances, which fuelled speculation abroad that the Syrian government might implode, are partly explained by a new Syrian army strategy to pull back from indefensible outposts and bases and concentrate troops in cities and towns.
At times, Damascus resounds with the boom of artillery fire and the occasional car bomb, but it is not besieged. I drove 160 kilometres north to Homs, Syria's third largest city with a population of 2.3 million, without difficulty. Homs, once the heart of the uprising, is in the hands of the government, aside from the Old City, which is held by the FSA. Strongholds of the FSA in Damascus have been battered by shellfire and most of their inhabitants have fled to other parts of the capital. The director of the 1,000-bed Tishreen military hospital covering much of southern Syria told me that he received 15 to 20 soldiers wounded every day, of whom about 20 per cent died. This casualty rate indicates sniping, assassinations and small-scale ambushes, but not a fight to the finish.
(Sources : The Independant - Patrick Cockburn - 16.12.2012)
D’autre part, diverses sources concordent pour nous faire penser que les rebelles seraient tombés dans un piège qui leur fut tendu par l’armée syrienne à Damas, avec l’aide de « services de renseignement étrangers ».
Voici un récit que vous n’avez pas lu ni entendu dans nos médias « libres » et hautement « indépendants » d’Occident.
The key point of the plan was to lure militants into an early battle, dispersing their ranks and then striking them a fatal blow.
A few days earlier, the Syrian regime carried out a tactical maneuver on the advice of the allied intelligence service, according to the following scenario: Strategic weapons were removed from their caches, giving a false impression that they were being transported to a safer place.
Meanwhile, foreign satellites, the United States’ in particular, recorded the Syrian army’s activities. This has sparked fears among the international community that Syrian forces are to use a special type of arms, while media leaks suggested the possible use of chemical weapons.
Enemies of the Syrian regime contributed to the promotion of this scenario, thinking that this would lead to a foreign intervention or pressure on the regime to settle for minimal political gains.
However, the chemical-weapons propaganda did not play out to the advantage of the militants; rather, it negatively affected their combat performance.
Other sources also indicated that the plan was designed to spread misleading information about widespread defections in the ranks of the Syrian regime's forces protecting Damascus. Moreover, Syrian troops have been reported to be completely broken. Because of this, news spread about the downfall of key centers and bases in the capital and major desertions in the ranks of the army.
All this prompted militants to mobilize on the outskirts of the capital and launch an early attack. The rumors spread by the Syrian regime itself gave insurgents an incentive to attack Damascus immediately. What promoted the theory of the collapse of the Syrian army in the capital was the swift progress by rebels within a few days without having met any significant resistance, as the Syrian army had vacated a number of its military positions.
The maneuver was designed to cause a rift between militant groups and their supply lines.
Furthermore, sources indicated that the insurgents and their supporters were under the impression that the downfall of the regime was in sight. Thus, they launched their attack two days before schedule, on Thursday, Nov. 29, as the regime had planned for.
At the beginning of the attack, communications of all kinds broke down in the country, which was the first shock for the armed groups, who were unable to update each other on the progress of battles.
Sources described the assault on Damascus as the largest and most severe since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. Armed groups fell into the trap set by the Syrian troops, who have been receiving extensive training in Russia and Iran on how to launch counter offensives on armed gangs.
(Sources - Al-Monitor - 14.12.2012)
Cette défaite, que les médias « libres » d’Occident tentèrent de camoufler par tous les moyens, voire de passer purement et simplement sous silence, fut d’autant plus cuisante que nos alliés terroristes décapiteurs furent entrainés intensivement par des instructeurs US, Anglais, Jordaniens et autres... sans parler les armements de plus en plus « lourds » qui leur sont fournis par nos alliés démokrates du Golfe, tout en faisant accroire que ce ne sont que des armements saisis dans les casernes de l’armée syrienne.
Syrian rebels were receiving training in the use of light and heavy weapons with the backing of the Jordanian, British and U.S. governments, participants in the training have told McClatchy.
The training took place as far back as October and involved hundreds of rebels, the participants said. In one case, the rebel participant said men he believed were American intelligence officers observed what was taking place. Another said he believed British officers were helping to organize the training. The training itself was handled by Jordanian military officers, the rebels said.
By November, another rebel said, the training had expanded to anti-tank weapons and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.
(Sources : Mac Clatchy - 14.12.2012)
Après que le CVI (voir lexique), c’est à dire le «Très Saint Gouvernement des USA» ait classifié la brigade Al Nosra dans sa liste des organisations terroristes liée à Al Qaeda (pas possible, quelle surprise !), afin de nous faire croire que le reste des bandes armées ne sont pas des terroristes mais de simples citoyens syriens en révolte contre le régime barbare de leur pays, luttant quasiment à mains nues contre des tanks et des avions (puisque personne ne leur livre d’armes, ni ne les entraine, ni ne leur donne d’argent), eh bien, nos terroristes les plus présentables, ceux qui devraient être séparés des mauvais terroristes d’Al Nosra, tous, y compris la FSA, protestèrent hautement contre cette injustice made in USA. Ils demandèrent tous en choeur aux USA de laisser Al Nosra terroriser tranquillement le pays en lui fournissant tous les armements indispensbles pour établir la sharia au moyen-Orient. Il est vrai que sans eux, ces guerriers super entrainés en Afghanistan où en Irak et en Libye, les «rebelles» n’ont aucune chance de défaire l’armée syrienne car c’est be et bien Al Nosra et Al Qaeda qui se battent de manière la plus efficace et qui sont les mieux organisés. Forcément ils ont des années de combats derrière eux contre les ... USA.
Mais lors de la seconde « grande » bataille de Damas, il semblerait qu’ils se soient fait sérieusement étrillés.
Toute cette tragi-comédie signifie bien que les opposants au régime de Damas, ceux qui sont les protégés de nos alliés démokrates du Golfe et de nous-mêmes, ne sont pas moins « terroristes » que ceux que Washington vient de condamner. Il semblerait donc que le dilemme dans lequel se trouvent Washington et ses alliés soit insoluble : soit on soutient les terroristes qui apprennent à décapiter leurs ennemis aux enfants, sans parler des massacres en tout genre commis à longueur de semaines, tout comme les attentats aveugles, soit il n’y aura jamais aucune chance de renverser le gouvernement syrien sans intervention extérieure qui, elle, est exclue.
The analogy with Iraq is troubling for the US and British governments. They and their allies are eager for Syria to avoid repeating the disastrous mistakes they made during the Iraqi occupation. Ideally, they would like to remove the regime, getting rid of Bashar al-Assad and the present leadership, but not dissolving the government machinery or introducing revolutionary change as they did in Baghdad by transferring power from the Sunnis to the Shia and the Kurds. This provoked a furious counter-reaction from Baathists and Sunnis who found themselves marginalised and economically impoverished.
Washington wants Assad out, but is having difficulty riding the Sunni revolutionary tiger. The Western powers have long hoped for a split in the Syrian elite, but so far there is little sign of this happening. "If you take defections as a measure of political cohesion, then there haven't been any serious ones," said a diplomat in Damascus.
(Sources : The Independant - Patrick Cockburn - 16.12.2012)
Depuis quelques semaines qu’avons-nous pas entendu à propos de la Syrie !
- Le régime s’apprêtait à utiliser ses armes chimiques contre les terroristes, voire sa propre population...
- La Turquie demande de l’aide à l’OTAN sous forme de missiles Patriots pour parer à toute attaque de la Syrie (!)
- La Syrie aurait utilisé des scuds contre les terroristes (!)
- Le régime syrien serait à l’agonie sous l’assaut victorieux des terroristes sur le point de prendre Damas...
- Les russes seraient en train de lâcher le régime syrien selon une déclaration tronquée par les médias occidentaux du vice-ministre russe des affaires étrangères Bogdanov.
etc, etc, etc...
- En revanche, les médias « libres » d’Occident n’ont pas parlé de cette vidéos effroyable publiée par nos alliés terroristes montrant une scène de décapitation d’un prisonnier par des enfants suivant les instructions d’un terroriste. Ils sont déjà à l’école...
The film begins by showing two middle-aged men handcuffed together sitting on a settee in a house, surrounded by their captors who sometimes slap and beat them. They are taken outside into the street. A man in a black shirt is manhandled and kicked into lying down with his head on a concrete block. A boy, who looks to be about 11 or 12 years old, cuts at his neck with a machete, but does not quite sever it. Later a man finishes the job and cuts the head off. The second man in a blue shirt is also forced to lie with his head on a block and is beheaded. The heads are brandished in front of the camera and later laid on top of the bodies. The boy smiles as he poses with a rifle beside a headless corpse.
(Sources : The Independant - Patrick Cockburn - 16.12.2012)
- De même encore, qui a parlé du massacre d’Aqrab où 200 à 250 alawouites furent exécutés par nos alliés barbus ? A notre connaissance, peu de monde, à l’exception d’Alex Thompson dont nous avons publié et traduit le reportage (ici) qu’il a effectué sur place.
- De même, nos médias « libres » d’Occident n’ont pas beaucoup parlé de la défaite très couteuse des terroristes à Damas, et encore moins de la possibilité d’un piège tendu par l’armée syrienne à nos alliés barbus.
Et pourtant ...
Eh bien, parlons-en !
La bataille de Damas est bel et bien perdue par les terroristes, et elle leur a couté très cher. Voici le témoignage de l’excellent, et hautement fiable, reporter de guerre Patrick Cockburn à propos de la situation qu’il a vu de ses yeux en Syrie ces jours derniers :
The picture of Syria most common believed abroad is of the rebels closing in on the capital as the Assad government faces defeat in weeks or, at most, a few months. The Secretary General of Nato, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said last week that the regime is "approaching collapse". The foreign media consensus is that the rebels are making sweeping gains on all fronts and the end may be nigh. But when one reaches Damascus, it is to discover that the best informed Syrians and foreign diplomats say, on the contrary, that the most recent rebel attacks in the capital had been thrown back by a government counteroffensive. They say that the rebel territorial advances, which fuelled speculation abroad that the Syrian government might implode, are partly explained by a new Syrian army strategy to pull back from indefensible outposts and bases and concentrate troops in cities and towns.
At times, Damascus resounds with the boom of artillery fire and the occasional car bomb, but it is not besieged. I drove 160 kilometres north to Homs, Syria's third largest city with a population of 2.3 million, without difficulty. Homs, once the heart of the uprising, is in the hands of the government, aside from the Old City, which is held by the FSA. Strongholds of the FSA in Damascus have been battered by shellfire and most of their inhabitants have fled to other parts of the capital. The director of the 1,000-bed Tishreen military hospital covering much of southern Syria told me that he received 15 to 20 soldiers wounded every day, of whom about 20 per cent died. This casualty rate indicates sniping, assassinations and small-scale ambushes, but not a fight to the finish.
(Sources : The Independant - Patrick Cockburn - 16.12.2012)
D’autre part, diverses sources concordent pour nous faire penser que les rebelles seraient tombés dans un piège qui leur fut tendu par l’armée syrienne à Damas, avec l’aide de « services de renseignement étrangers ».
Voici un récit que vous n’avez pas lu ni entendu dans nos médias « libres » et hautement « indépendants » d’Occident.
The key point of the plan was to lure militants into an early battle, dispersing their ranks and then striking them a fatal blow.
A few days earlier, the Syrian regime carried out a tactical maneuver on the advice of the allied intelligence service, according to the following scenario: Strategic weapons were removed from their caches, giving a false impression that they were being transported to a safer place.
Meanwhile, foreign satellites, the United States’ in particular, recorded the Syrian army’s activities. This has sparked fears among the international community that Syrian forces are to use a special type of arms, while media leaks suggested the possible use of chemical weapons.
Enemies of the Syrian regime contributed to the promotion of this scenario, thinking that this would lead to a foreign intervention or pressure on the regime to settle for minimal political gains.
However, the chemical-weapons propaganda did not play out to the advantage of the militants; rather, it negatively affected their combat performance.
Other sources also indicated that the plan was designed to spread misleading information about widespread defections in the ranks of the Syrian regime's forces protecting Damascus. Moreover, Syrian troops have been reported to be completely broken. Because of this, news spread about the downfall of key centers and bases in the capital and major desertions in the ranks of the army.
All this prompted militants to mobilize on the outskirts of the capital and launch an early attack. The rumors spread by the Syrian regime itself gave insurgents an incentive to attack Damascus immediately. What promoted the theory of the collapse of the Syrian army in the capital was the swift progress by rebels within a few days without having met any significant resistance, as the Syrian army had vacated a number of its military positions.
The maneuver was designed to cause a rift between militant groups and their supply lines.
Furthermore, sources indicated that the insurgents and their supporters were under the impression that the downfall of the regime was in sight. Thus, they launched their attack two days before schedule, on Thursday, Nov. 29, as the regime had planned for.
At the beginning of the attack, communications of all kinds broke down in the country, which was the first shock for the armed groups, who were unable to update each other on the progress of battles.
Sources described the assault on Damascus as the largest and most severe since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. Armed groups fell into the trap set by the Syrian troops, who have been receiving extensive training in Russia and Iran on how to launch counter offensives on armed gangs.
(Sources - Al-Monitor - 14.12.2012)
Cette défaite, que les médias « libres » d’Occident tentèrent de camoufler par tous les moyens, voire de passer purement et simplement sous silence, fut d’autant plus cuisante que nos alliés terroristes décapiteurs furent entrainés intensivement par des instructeurs US, Anglais, Jordaniens et autres... sans parler les armements de plus en plus « lourds » qui leur sont fournis par nos alliés démokrates du Golfe, tout en faisant accroire que ce ne sont que des armements saisis dans les casernes de l’armée syrienne.
Syrian rebels were receiving training in the use of light and heavy weapons with the backing of the Jordanian, British and U.S. governments, participants in the training have told McClatchy.
The training took place as far back as October and involved hundreds of rebels, the participants said. In one case, the rebel participant said men he believed were American intelligence officers observed what was taking place. Another said he believed British officers were helping to organize the training. The training itself was handled by Jordanian military officers, the rebels said.
By November, another rebel said, the training had expanded to anti-tank weapons and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.
(Sources : Mac Clatchy - 14.12.2012)
Après que le CVI (voir lexique), c’est à dire le «Très Saint Gouvernement des USA» ait classifié la brigade Al Nosra dans sa liste des organisations terroristes liée à Al Qaeda (pas possible, quelle surprise !), afin de nous faire croire que le reste des bandes armées ne sont pas des terroristes mais de simples citoyens syriens en révolte contre le régime barbare de leur pays, luttant quasiment à mains nues contre des tanks et des avions (puisque personne ne leur livre d’armes, ni ne les entraine, ni ne leur donne d’argent), eh bien, nos terroristes les plus présentables, ceux qui devraient être séparés des mauvais terroristes d’Al Nosra, tous, y compris la FSA, protestèrent hautement contre cette injustice made in USA. Ils demandèrent tous en choeur aux USA de laisser Al Nosra terroriser tranquillement le pays en lui fournissant tous les armements indispensbles pour établir la sharia au moyen-Orient. Il est vrai que sans eux, ces guerriers super entrainés en Afghanistan où en Irak et en Libye, les «rebelles» n’ont aucune chance de défaire l’armée syrienne car c’est be et bien Al Nosra et Al Qaeda qui se battent de manière la plus efficace et qui sont les mieux organisés. Forcément ils ont des années de combats derrière eux contre les ... USA.
Mais lors de la seconde « grande » bataille de Damas, il semblerait qu’ils se soient fait sérieusement étrillés.
Toute cette tragi-comédie signifie bien que les opposants au régime de Damas, ceux qui sont les protégés de nos alliés démokrates du Golfe et de nous-mêmes, ne sont pas moins « terroristes » que ceux que Washington vient de condamner. Il semblerait donc que le dilemme dans lequel se trouvent Washington et ses alliés soit insoluble : soit on soutient les terroristes qui apprennent à décapiter leurs ennemis aux enfants, sans parler des massacres en tout genre commis à longueur de semaines, tout comme les attentats aveugles, soit il n’y aura jamais aucune chance de renverser le gouvernement syrien sans intervention extérieure qui, elle, est exclue.
The analogy with Iraq is troubling for the US and British governments. They and their allies are eager for Syria to avoid repeating the disastrous mistakes they made during the Iraqi occupation. Ideally, they would like to remove the regime, getting rid of Bashar al-Assad and the present leadership, but not dissolving the government machinery or introducing revolutionary change as they did in Baghdad by transferring power from the Sunnis to the Shia and the Kurds. This provoked a furious counter-reaction from Baathists and Sunnis who found themselves marginalised and economically impoverished.
Washington wants Assad out, but is having difficulty riding the Sunni revolutionary tiger. The Western powers have long hoped for a split in the Syrian elite, but so far there is little sign of this happening. "If you take defections as a measure of political cohesion, then there haven't been any serious ones," said a diplomat in Damascus.
(Sources : The Independant - Patrick Cockburn - 16.12.2012)
Pour le moment, donc, ceux qui font les frais de notre grande et brillante politique étrangère au Moyen-Orient ne sont personne d’autre que les syriens eux-mêmes qui doivent subir les exactions de plus en plus connotées religieusement de la part des mercenaires étrangers islamistes que nous soutenons à bout de bras. Ils se comportent de plus en plus comme les talibans, de si bonne mémoire.
The execution video is the most graphic illustration of deepening religious bigotry on the part of the rebels, but it is not the only one. Another recent video shows Free Syrian Army fighters burning and desecrating a Shia husseiniyah (a religious meeting house similar to a mosque) in Idlib in northern Syria. They chant prayers of victory as they set fire to the building, set fire to flags used in Shia religious processions and stamp on religious pictures. If the FSA were to repeat this assault on a revered Shia shrine such as the Sayyida Zeinab mosque in Damascus, to which Iranian and Iraqi pilgrims have flooded in the past and which is now almost encircled by rebels, then there could be an explosion of religious hatred and strife between Sunni and Shia across the Middle East. Iraqi observers warn that it was the destruction of the Shia shrine in Samarra, north of Baghdad, by an al-Qa'ida bomb in 2006 that detonated a sectarian war in which tens of thousands died.
(Sources : The Independant - Patrick Cockburn - 16.12.2012)
Mais de tout cela, on ne parle pas beaucoup dans nos grands médias occidentaux de désinformation, si libres et indépendants. On se préoccupe plutôt de la liberté de la presse... chez les autres.
Mais pour le moment tout le monde est content à cochon sur Terre, le meilleur des mondes.
The execution video is the most graphic illustration of deepening religious bigotry on the part of the rebels, but it is not the only one. Another recent video shows Free Syrian Army fighters burning and desecrating a Shia husseiniyah (a religious meeting house similar to a mosque) in Idlib in northern Syria. They chant prayers of victory as they set fire to the building, set fire to flags used in Shia religious processions and stamp on religious pictures. If the FSA were to repeat this assault on a revered Shia shrine such as the Sayyida Zeinab mosque in Damascus, to which Iranian and Iraqi pilgrims have flooded in the past and which is now almost encircled by rebels, then there could be an explosion of religious hatred and strife between Sunni and Shia across the Middle East. Iraqi observers warn that it was the destruction of the Shia shrine in Samarra, north of Baghdad, by an al-Qa'ida bomb in 2006 that detonated a sectarian war in which tens of thousands died.
(Sources : The Independant - Patrick Cockburn - 16.12.2012)
Mais de tout cela, on ne parle pas beaucoup dans nos grands médias occidentaux de désinformation, si libres et indépendants. On se préoccupe plutôt de la liberté de la presse... chez les autres.
Mais pour le moment tout le monde est content à cochon sur Terre, le meilleur des mondes.
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